Workshop: The formation and transformation of elites in modern China
Monday 7 Oct 9h00-12h00
- Huei Ming SUN
- Redefining the Elites: Chinese Who’s Who Publications in the 1930s Shanghai
- Middling Elites: Middle Managers at the Shanghai Bank of China on the Eve of the Communist Revolution
- Henrike RUDOLF
- Structures of Empowerment:A Network Exploration of theCollective Biographies of Women Activists in Twentieth-Century China
Monday 7 Oct 14h00-17h00
- James LEE
- Mutable Inequalities: Meritocracy and the Making of the Chinese Academe,1912-1952, A Data Analytic Approach
- Marilyn LEVINE
- Evolutionary Roads:An IntegrativeAnalysisUtilizing the Chinese Biographical Database
- Yi Tang LIN
- Scientists at the Service of the States: Chinese Rockefeller Fellows in Chemistry andBiology and their Career Trajectories from 1949 to 1966
Monday 8 Oct 9h00-12h00
- The American-Returned Students:New Forms of Business and Eliteness in Republican China
- Aviation and elite culture in transnational China 1909-1955
Monday 8 Oct 14h00-17h00
- Cameron CAMPBELL
- Family Background andCareer Outcomesfor Exam Degree Holdersinthe Qing (1644-1911)Civil Service
- Ling Ling LIEN
- Service to the Empire and to the Community: The British Women’s Association inShanghai, 1921-1941
Wednesday 9 Oct 9h00-12h00
- Open discussion