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ENP-China Workshop @ Institute of Modern History

The ENP-China Project organizes a two-day workshop with the Institute of Modern History (Academia Sinica) on “Innovating Historical Research: A.I., Digital Tools, and Beyond” on 9-10 January 2025. The event is sponsored by Prof. Lien Ling-ling (IMH) and will host Christian Henriot and Baptiste Blouin as co-organizers and mentors.

Title: 創新歷史研究:人工智慧、數位工具與未來展望

Announcement: 本課程聚焦人工智慧與數位工具在歷史研究中的創新應用,由國際知名學者 Christian Henriot 和 Baptiste Blouin 主講,涵蓋數位人文、人工智慧背後的技術解析、HistText 工具的基礎與進階應用,以及數據驅動的歷史分析。透過雙語授課,結合理論探討與實作案例,參與者將全面了解這些工具如何重塑歷史研究的未來,適合歷史學者、數位人文研究者及相關領域人士參加,共同探索創新的研究方法與可能性!

This workshop focuses on the innovative applications of artificial intelligence and digital tools in historical research. Taught by internationally renowned scholars Christian Henriot and Baptiste Blouin, it covers topics including digital humanities, the technical foundations of AI, basic and advanced applications of the HistText tool, and data-driven historical analysis. With bilingual instruction combining theoretical exploration and practical case studies, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of how these tools are reshaping the future of historical research. This course is ideal for historians, digital humanities researchers, and professionals from related fields, offering an opportunity to explore new research methods and possibilities!


14:00 – 15:30Christian Henriot, Baptiste Blouin突破數位人文:從概念到技術解析Beyond Digital Humanities: From Concepts to Techniques
15:30 – 15:40休息Break
15:40 – 17:10Christian Henriot, Baptiste Blouin語料與案例:從創建到應用Corpus and Case Studies: From Creation to Application
09:30 – 11:00Christian HenriotHistText 基礎功能探索HistText: Exploring Basic Functions
11:00 – 11:10休息Break
11:10 – 12:40Christian HenriotHistText 高級功能與實例HistText: Advanced Features and Examples
12:40 – 14:00午餐時間Lunch Break
14:00 – 15:30Christian Henriot, Baptiste Blouin數據驅動的歷史分析:案例實作Data-Driven Historical Analysis: Case Studies in Practice
15:30 – 15:40休息Break
15:40 – 17:10Christian Henriot, Baptiste BlouinBeyond HistText:方法與未來Beyond HistText: Methods and Future Directions

OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Christian Henriot (December 24, 2024). ENP-China Workshop @ Institute of Modern History. Elites, Networks and Power in modern China. Retrieved February 15, 2025 from

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