Last week Tuesday February 11, 2020, we were invited to present our current research in the workshop “Networks in East Asia: Methods and Case Studies” at the University of Bristol. It was an opportunity...
Last week Tuesday February 11, 2020, we were invited to present our current research in the workshop “Networks in East Asia: Methods and Case Studies” at the University of Bristol. It was an opportunity...
This post aims at opening the Biographical Dictionary of Republican China (BDRC)’s factory – presenting its initial purpose, its editorial staff, the method for selecting biographies, contributors and sources, its implied biases, practical issues...
This is the first instalment of the “X-Boorman” series through which we plan to take the reader to a new experience and exploration of the Biographical Dictionary of Republican China (BDRC). The series is...
Last week (27-28 May), we organized a two-day Expert meeting on biographical databases. Instead of a linear account of this meeting, what we propose here is a critical review of existing biographical databases (DB)....
Last Thursday April 11th we were delighted to welcome Dr. Li Yi-Tang for a talk on “Agents of Knowledge-transfer? A preliminary sketch of the Chinese Rockefeller fellows, 1910s-1950s” in our regular seminar. Lin Yi-Tang...
A brief review of “Layers and Lacunae: Reconstructing Chinese Social Networks in Transition, 1940s-1950s“, a conference by Dr. Henrike Rudolf held at Aix-Marseille Université, March 14, 2019. Last Thursday March 14, we were pleased...
In this post I do not mean to give a complete overview of the Dataviz workshop in Aix last week (February 14-15). Instead I will give a personal account of the hands-on session we...
Following up on Pierre’s inspiring post, I wish to start a dialogue between historians and computing specialists around the tools we share in the ERC project. This series of methodological posts also answers our common...
The Elites, Networks and Power in modern China project proposes a step-change in the study of modern China reliant upon scalable data-rich history. It will deliver precise historical information at an unprecedented scale from...